Friday, August 26, 2011

Still wondering

Well another week has gone by and still no word from my husband. Seems like all I do these days is sit and wait and hope and pray for mail. So, when I don't get mail, I re-read some of the letters that I have gotten and trust me there are over a thousand pages of letters to chose from. I've just recently started my 5th photo album of letters. Tonight I decided to read some of the letters that I have received just this month and one of them in particular had me sobbing like a baby. It was quite a simple letter really. My husband started his letter by saying that he had just received quite a bit of mail from me but that it was late and that he would write to me in the morning but that he just wanted to say goodnight to me. All he wanted to do was say goodnight and because he couldn't do it on the phone he wanted to write it down so I would know that on August 14 he said goodnight to me. I know it may sound funny but I do the same thing. Every night at 10:30 EST I kiss my husband's picture that sits on my nightstand by my bed. I tell him goodnight and that I love him. I've even told him in my letters to remember that every night at 10:30 I am thinking of him. Not that I don't think of him any other time of the day but at least at 10:30 he knows it and while I am thinking of him he's thinking of me and for that one brief moment in time we are in sync and there is nothing else on our minds but each other.

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